Running hard in order to stay still...
.. is what it feels like at the moment.
Personal blogging has been into the background by online stuff for the Printmakers Pushing the Boundaries group. Instagram seems to have taken over the world.
The print project is still running, with a very successful group residency at Mid Wales Arts last month. We didn't do a vast amount of printmaking, but we did walk and talk and put some preliminary ideas onto paper. We also had some fun with a giant collaborative piece, which didn't turn out quite as anyone was expecting.
The nearest I got to printmaking was some relief/stencil work based on ideas from the black-and-white half timbering on one of the old barns at the Centre.
I'm now working on finalising the work for inclusion in "Cyd-fyw â 'r tir", which probably deserves a post all to itself.
And in other news, I have been featured for two weeks in succession on Axisweb: firstly as one of "Five to Watch" for my deep mapping project at Bwlch y Ddeufaen, and now as one of the *hashtag* art highlights. Sadly, I can't actually type in the hashtag as it just takes me back to my Google account. Is this deliberate?